We all need to take a moment to calm our minds and return to a space of peace of mind. The white bar design in front of the lighting, with the open shelves with emerald textures, forms a comfortable multi-functional corner, fresh and lively but quiet and soothing, evoking the original self-confidence spirit, reinvigorating the optimism of the ideal life, so that the home space can realize the life field of psychological enrichment, and embrace the hopeful and new day.
回歸到一個安定心靈的空間。 如含苞花朵般的朝鮮薊,自帶一股療癒感,將其植綠色調隨著半腰牆蔓延至屋內的開放空間,充滿生機且又清涼撫慰,採光面前潔白的吧檯設計,搭配綠寶石紋理的開放層架,形成了一隅愜意的多功能角落,清新活潑卻不失寧靜舒緩的氣息,喚起原有的自信精神,重振理想人生的樂觀主義,讓住家空間實現心理富足的生活場域,擁抱充滿希望、嶄新的每一天。
39 sqm
2 areas, 2 bedrooms, plus 1 bathrooms
2 adult, plus 1 child
Interior Design
Croissant Design